Thanks for helping families with nowhere to go

When he lost his job during the pandemic, David* and his pregnant wife had no choice but to couch surf. With your support, the couple found an affordable and permanent home to welcome their newborn daughter. Your life-changing support helps families experiencing hidden homelessness find a safe home.

Read David’s story

You’re helping Australians on their journey towards independence.

in 2020 21 you helped 152684 people through 474 services

Family looking happy

Empowered and excited for the days ahead

We connected with 16-year-old Cory* just as the pandemic hit. One year ago, Cory was unmotivated and at risk of leaving school. With your support, Cory is now on the best path to achieving his goals.

Thanks for helping me stay motivated during challenging times of COVID and isolation.Cory, 16

See Cory’s progress

Thanks for helping young people as they journey towards independence.

Cory looking happy

Thanks for being a Hidden Homeless Ally

The homeless population are mostly hidden from our view.

Tonight, there are children and families sleeping on couches, in the back of a car or seeking shelter in temporary or overcrowded shelters. These are Australia’s hidden homeless.

You’re a critical part of our solution to ending hidden homelessness in Australia.

Your loyal support gives kids a childhood, and families a safe place to call home.

Thanks for being part of a powerful movement of Hidden Homeless Allies. You’re a hero!

Download your Hidden Homeless Ally manifesto

happy family with Mission Australia worker

Thank you, Peter and Maria, for 20 years of support!

For two decades, Peter and his wife Maria, have found fulfilment in helping people regain hope. From mentoring young men to leaving a gift in their Will, Peter and Maria are investing in a better future for others.

We want to help the most needy help themselves, get back on their feet and be independent. Mission Australia exists to do exactly that.Peter, Mission Australia supporter.

The couple recently made the powerful decision to include several causes, including Mission Australia, in their Will. Thank you, Peter and Maria ensuring there’s always a way forward for people in need.

Need to write or update your Will? Get 50% off your Will with Safewill.

Learn more about gift in Wills

Peter and Maria looking happy

Thank you for helping advocate for young people

Your ongoing generosity helps us conduct research such as, our annual Youth Survey, that uncovers the experiences of young Australians.

Recently, data from our Youth Survey 2021, the largest youth survey in Australia, revealed the impact of the pandemic on young people.^^

Young people reported the following three areas of life as being negatively impacted by the pandemic:

participation in activities 67%, education 62%, mental health 50%

Young people in NSW and VIC reported diverse negative impacts during lockdowns.

70% victoria and 57% NSW

View our advocacy and research

Celebrating 160 years of Sydney City Mission

After 160 years, our Founding Purpose remains unchanged: we exist to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God. We stand together with Australians in need, until they can stand for themselves.

During the week commencing 11 July 2022, our staff will be marking Founding Purpose week. In celebration, step back in time with these incredible photos of Mission Australia, then known as Sydney City Mission.

Benjamin Short, founder 160 years ago

In 1867, Adelaide City Mission is founded

Perth City Mission founded in 1974

In 1979, The Sydney City Mission launches its iconic Missionbeat van

In 1996, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney, Wagga Wagga and Wollongong City Missions as well as Hunter Mission unite to form Mission Australia. Brisbane City Mission joins Mission Australia in 1998.

After 160 years our Founding Purpose remains unchanged.

Learn more about our Founding Purpose

^Mission Australia Annual Report 2021
^^Mission Australia and Orygen, Clusters of Covid-19 Impact: Identifying the Impact of Covid-19 on Young Australians in 2021.

*Names and images have been changed to protect the identity of the people we help.

Our promise to you

Registered charity of Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission

Mission Australia has been helping people move towards independence, and our commitment to this vital work has never been stronger.

Thanks to your support, together we helped 149,096 people in 2023 by combatting homelessness, assisting disadvantaged families and children, addressing mental health issues, fighting substance dependencies, and much more.

pie graph indicating that 91% of our income went into delivering services in 2023

In 2023, 91% of our income went straight back into delivering services that assisted vulnerable Australians.

We appreciate every donation we receive and ensure that each dollar goes where it is needed most.

Latest news, media & blog articles

Read about what we’ve been working on, our stance on important social issues and how you make a difference to vulnerable Australians' lives.

Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'