Choosing ‘we’ instead of ‘me’ in 2023

Our choices don’t just impact ourselves. We don’t exist in a vacuum. We’re made for community.

When people lack access to basic choices, such as affordable housing, it can leave them feeling excluded, or even worse, forgotten.

That’s what makes your humble generosity so special, choosing to see beyond the ‘me’ by standing alongside people in need.

As the Apostle Paul put it: “not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interest of the others” (Philippians 2:4)

Your choice to support our services helps achieve our shared vision of an Australia where everyone has a safe home and can thrive.

Phil Chapman, Executive – Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care

Creating new beginnings

New beginnings hold promise, hope and adventure.

Mission Australia’s purpose to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God, is inspired by Jesus Christ, the author of new beginnings. We serve with renewed hope to help vulnerable people achieve their own new beginnings.

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19.

As you continue to partner with us, may you experience the joy of new beginnings and know God’s blessing.

Jess Sanders, South Australia Chaplain

Thanks for helping families with nowhere to go

When a combination of distressing life events left Janelle* without a safe place to stay, your support was life changing. Thanks for helping Janelle’s little family secure a safe place to call home. Janelle’s family is together again. Thank you!

Miracles really do happen..."  - Janelle.

Read Janelle’s story

Janelle and her mum patting their dog

Roger isn’t just living. He's thriving!

Roger*, 28, had never experienced homelessness before his struggle with mental health. A lack of support meant he was extremely vulnerable to homelessness. With the right support services, Roger had a chance to turn his life around and step towards independence. Thanks to supporters like you, Roger is standing on his own two feet again.

Celebrate Roger’s journey

Roger looking happy outside and smiling to camera

Your support helps young people like Moon find a safe home

Moon, 15, encountered homelessness for the first time during the pandemic. After leaving an unsafe home, Moon slept on a different couch every night. With help from our supporters, Moon now has a safe place to call home. Thank you.

Read Moon's story

Moon standing outside and wearing a knitted jumper featuring a bat

Honouring the life and generosity of Fred Kewley

Earlier this year, Fred Kewley passed away after his 100th birthday, leaving a gift to Mission Australia in his Will.

Fred first donated to Mission Australia in 1992, when he heard about our work in the community. Seeing people in less fortunate situations, Fred was passionate about helping others, particularly families escaping domestic violence, and continued to support our work for over three decades.

Mission Australia looks after people who are at the bottom of the ladder, they get them back up again as well."  - Fred, proud Mission Australia supporter.

We wouldn’t be able to do the work we do without the commitment of people like Fred.

We won’t forget your kindness. Thank you, Fred Kewley (1922-2022).

Learn more about Gift in Wills

Fred Kewley outside in the sunshine

Thanks for giving young people a voice

The insights we gain from the Youth Survey Report 2022 – Australia’s largest online survey for people aged 15-19 years – helps us advocate on behalf of vulnerable young Australians. Thanks to our supporters, our latest Youth Survey Report 2022^ reveals the top issues that young people faced last year.

See the findings

Young people were most concerned about:The environment: 51%Equity and discrimination: 36%Mental health: 34%

Young people outside

Meet Crystal Taylor, our National Community of Focus Specialist

Community of Focus is about working together with people from all parts of a community to tackle complex challenges and create sustainable population-level change. In each Community of Focus people are facing multiple issues at the same time.

We know that their experience is the same across much of their community. Although much of the impact we aim to see is many years away, small sparks are already evident. In Cairns South, our first Community of Focus, the team is supporting multiple working clusters.

We’re seeing lots of ‘ah-ha’ moments and a shift in mindsets. By elevating local voices, and stimulating local leadership and aspirations, the community can take the lead in creating change, supported by our local teams.

Crystal Taylor, National Community of Focus Specialist

Help a vulnerable family

Every gift you give has a life-changing impact on the people we care for. This year, will you extend your generosity to help mums like Melinda*?

Donate today

Melinda and her daughter living in their car

^The Mission Australia Youth Survey includes responses from 18,800 young people between April and August 2022.

*Names and images have been changed to protect the identity of the people we help.


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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'