Not wanting to stay idle during lockdown, residents at Benjamin Short Grove, a Mission Australia age care facility, started a sustainable gardening project.

Our staff helped residents create a new bird aviary, nursery, a yarning circle and a small orchard complete with plum, apricot, apple and cherry trees.

Elizabeth Docking from Community Greening at the Royal Botanical Garden Sydney provided gardening tools and supplies for the project. She was amazed at what the residents were able to achieve.

“It has given the residents a sense of purpose and pride. They work together as a team for a common goal which they can enjoy daily.”

“It is amazing how their strength, balance, co-ordination and confidence have improved as a result of these activities. Most of all, the project has been fun for everyone.”

Having a place to enjoy and relax means so much to these residents, many of whom have spent years on the streets or have struggled with homelessness.

Thank you, Community Greening and the Royal Botanical Garden Sydney for supporting us and helping us create a beautiful space for our residents.

Benjamin Short Grove is a residential aged care facility for men and women who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or who have experienced financial or social disadvantage.

Mission Australia currently runs three aged care facilities in NSW; Charles Chamber Court, Benjamin Short Grove and Annie Green Court.

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