What is homelessness and does it exist in Australia?

Alarmingly, there are over 122,000 people experiencing homelessness on any given night. From couch surfing to living in an emergency shelter, homelessness can look different for everyone. In Australia, domestic and family violence remains a leading cause of homelessness. Learn more about homelessness here:.

116,000 people in Australia are homelessness (ABS 2016)

Learn about homelessness

Homelessness statistics in Australia

Homelessness is not the first picture that comes to mind when you think about life in Australia but, living without a home is a reality for many. Uncover the myths and shocking stats about the reality of homelessness in Australia.

See the stats

How to get involved during Homelessness Week

Homelessness Week (5 -11 August) raises awareness of homelessness in Australia and the importance of social housing as a long-term solution. Here are seven ways you can get involved this year:

Homelessness Week 2024

How to approach someone who is homeless

Feeling unsure about how to respond to someone who is rough sleeping? Patrick from Missionbeat, a Mission Australia service that reaches people sleeping rough in Sydney, shares his tips on how to approach someone rough sleeping.

See the tips

Ending homelessness in Australia

At Mission Australia, we believe every person across the country should have access to safe and secure housing. As part of our 2020-25 Strategy, we are committed to ending homelessness in Australia. Learn how you can stand together with people in need and help end homelessness.

Learn more about our work

Experiences of homelessness in Australia

Homelessness can affect anyone – regardless of age, status or background.
Meet three different people who experienced homelessness through no fault of their own.

Rebecca looking happy


Rebecca’s story


Homelessness later
in life

Sarah’s story



Roshan’s story

Get the facts

Are you passionate about learning more about homelessness? Learn more about the causes and experiences of homelessness with these resources. 

Australia’s Hidden Homeless: eBook

Research reports and submissions

Stories about homelessness in Australia

Become a Hidden Homeless Ally

This National Homelessness Week, you can join a national movement to end homelessness by giving monthly. 

Learn more

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'