We want you to tell us when you feel that we are doing things well.

We also need you to tell us when you feel that things are not going well.

This is called a ‘making a complaint’. A complaint can be about anything – our service, the way our staff or another child or young person behaves, or the way a problem was handled.

When should I tell Mission Australia how I feel?

  • If you are worried or unhappy about the way you’re being treated
  • If you feel that someone made a mistake and won’t fix it
  • If you don’t feel safe and people won’t listen
  • If you don’t agree with something and it is making you feel stressed.

How do I tell Mission Australia if things are not going well?

  • Ask someone you trust to help you – a parent, friend, carer, teacher or one of our staff members
  • Find someone who speaks your language
  • Talk to your support person about your feelings and what you think would help fix the problem.
  • Make a complaint.

It’s normal to feel nervous or upset about making a complaint. It can feel hard, but it is always OK to tell us.

You can tell us by:

  • Talking to Mission Australia staff, face to face or by phone
  • Filling out a TELL US postcard and putting it in the feedback box at any Mission Australia service or giving it to a Mission Australia staff member.
  • Making an online complaint

Tip: You can ask your support person to help you:

  • Prepare what you want to say (in a face to face meeting, on the phone or in writing)
  • By coming with you to any meetings
  • Take notes so you can remember what was said and
  • Ask questions like:
    • What is going to happen next?
    • How long is it going to take?
    • What happens if I don’t think the problem has been fixed?

What will Mission Australia do?

We will:

  • Notice and check in with you if you seem unhappy or worried
  • Provide a safe and quiet space to talk
  • Encourage you to tell us what is happening in your own words, in your own time
  • Listen, be respectful, and take what you say seriously
  • Answer your questions as best we can
  • Include you in any decisions that affect you and tell you what will happen next
  • Ask you who you would like to be involved
  • Aim to have the problem sorted out as soon as possible
  • Let you know if we are not able to fix the problem quickly and why
  • Check to see that you are OK with what we have done.

Who else can you talk to?

Here are some other organisations you can go to:

Online and phone counselling for children and young people

Kids Helpline or call 1800 55 1800

Mental health support for children and young people

Headspace and eheadspace

Information and support about the rights of children and young people

There are Commissioners for Children and Young People in your State or Territory. While they cannot get involved in individual complaints, they will support you to find someone who is able to help:

NSW: Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People

Victoria: Commission for Children and Young People

Australian Capital Territory: The Children and Young People Commissioner

Queensland: Family and Child Commission

Tasmania: Commissioner for Children and Young People

South Australia: Commissioner for Children and Young People and the Guardian for Children and Young People (the Guardian promotes the interests of children and young people in care)

Northern Territory: Office of the Children’s Commissioner

Western Australia: Commissioner for Children and Young People

Advice for adults supporting children and young people

The National Office for Child Safety has produced a guide for parents and other adults about how to support a child or young person to make a complaint

Help for non-English speaking people

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National

Complaints about a government organisation

Contact the Ombudsman’s office in your State or Territory

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'