Your ongoing support helped over 167,000# vulnerable Australians during a particularly challenging year.

Read some of their stories in this New Year edition of your Impact Report:

Erin and daughter

Because of your generosity, Erin and her children have a safe place to call home.

After a relationship breakdown, Erin*, a single mother of three, urgently needed to find a safe home for her youngest daughter who suffers from chronic asthma.  

Relatives invited Erin to stay with them but border restrictions during the pandemic left the family with nowhere to go. 

When Erin connected with Mission Australia, the future began to look bright again. 

Our Fairfax House team provided the family with a safe place to stay and helped Erin successfully apply for a permanent home. We provided her with the mental and emotional support to guide her through the difficult time.  

Erin never gives up and has learned to thrive despite adversity.Samiah, Case Manager at Mission Australia’s Fairfax House

Thanks to generous and committed supporters like you, Erin and her children live in a safe home and are on their journey towards independence. 

Learn about housing service

Thanks for making a lasting impact

Together we helped over 11,600# vulnerable Australians escape homelessness during a year blighted by drought, bushfires, floods and COVID-19. Through your dependable support, our specialist homelessness support services provided vulnerable people with the help they need to find a safe home.

Lasting impact v2

View Annual Report

MA Case Manager Samiah

A message from our Case Manager, Samiah

The people we helped have experienced the difficulty and uncertainty of homelessness. We provide them with safe accommodation while helping then find a permanent home – which gives them safety and hope for the future.

It’s fulfilling knowing that I'm a part of this journey towards independence and bringing positive change into people's lives.  

Every gift you make helps provide shelter for children who don't have a bed to sleep in, women fleeing abusive homes and families in need of support. 

Thank you for enabling us to help vulnerable families. In many ways, you are a part of their lives too.

Learn about housing services

Fred Kewley R

Celebrating three decades of generous giving

After 28 years of supporting Mission Australia, 99-year-old Fred plans to extend his generosity by leaving a gift in his Will. 

Fred is passionate about helping vulnerable people, particularly those seeking help from domestic and family violence.  After decades of faithfully supporting Mission Australia’s work, Fred has committed to leaving a bequest in his Will to continue helping families in crisis find a safe home. 

Mission Australia look after people who are at the bottom of the ladder, they get them back up again as well.Fred, proud Mission Australia supporter

Leave a lasting gift

2020 Youth Survey Intranet banner

Thank you for helping advocate for disadvantaged young Australians.

The insights and knowledge we gain from research helps us effectively advocate on behalf of vulnerable Australians.

Last year, our annual Youth Survey uncovered the effects of COVID-19 on young people.

Top three most important issues  uncovered by the survey: 

  • Equity and discrimination 40% 
  • COVID-19 39%  
  • Mental health 31% 

Since 2019, the % of young people identifying EQUITY and DISCRIMINATION as an issue of national importance has increased from 20% to 40%. 

Read  our  Youth Survey

20 25 strategy impact report

Together we’ve achieved a lot, but there’s so much more to be done.

As a valued supporter, we want to share with you our new five-year strategy. From 2020-25, these four focus areas will guide us towards our goal of ending homelessness:

  1. Partnering to strengthen communities 
  2. Helping end homelessness in Australia 
  3. Supporting people in need to thrive 
  4. Driving excellence 

Together, we can build an Australia where all of us have a safe home and can thrive.

View our strategy

Thank you again for your incredible generosity and trusting our teams to help others on your behalf.

We hope you’ll be encouraged knowing that your regular gift will continue to make a lasting difference in people’s lives.

*Names and images have been changed to protect the privacy of the people we helped.
#Mission Australia Annual Report 2020


Our promise to you

Registered charity of Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission

Mission Australia has been helping people move towards independence, and our commitment to this vital work has never been stronger.

Thanks to your support, together we helped 149,096 people in 2023 by combatting homelessness, assisting disadvantaged families and children, addressing mental health issues, fighting substance dependencies, and much more.

pie graph indicating that 91% of our income went into delivering services in 2023

In 2023, 91% of our income went straight back into delivering services that assisted vulnerable Australians.

We appreciate every donation we receive and ensure that each dollar goes where it is needed most.

Latest news, media & blog articles

Read about what we’ve been working on, our stance on important social issues and how you make a difference to vulnerable Australians' lives.

Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'