Sign up for our prayer diary
Thank you for your interest in the Mission Australia prayer diary.
To guide your prayers, Mission Australia publishes a prayer diary, which is available weekly or quarterly. It features genuine prayer requests from our staff, who work closely with people in need and know each service’s needs and praise points intimately.
We appreciate you joining our CEO and Christian staff, volunteers and supporters around Australia in prayer for the people we help. Your prayers will have real impact as God hears and acts in his timing and in line with his will (1 John 5:14-15).
We look forward to receiving your sign-up via the below form.
Other ways to give

A gift in your Will
You can make sure there’s always a way
forward for people in need,
by including Mission Australia
in your Will.

Our diverse corporate partners share a willingness to give every Australian the chance to build better futures for themselves.

As an individual or with a group,
organise an activity or challenge
that is fun and inspiring while
helping Australians in need.

We are blessed to work with thousands of people from all walks of life who selflessly donate their time and talents to help Australians in need.

Employee engagement
Easy ways for employers and their employees to help people in need,
through volunteering, pre-tax workplace giving and more.

Church engagement
Support us through prayer
and access resources to
engage your church
in key social issues.