5391 our governance 2021

Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God. In conducting our affairs and services to reduce homelessness and to strengthen communities across Australia we are guided by the Mission Australia Values: Compassion, Integrity, Respect, Perseverance and Celebration.

Governance framework

Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God. In conducting our affairs and services to end homelessness and ensure people and communities in need can thrive, we are guided by the Mission Australia Values: Compassion, Integrity, Respect, Perseverance and Celebration.

Mission Australia and its corporate-controlled entities including Mission Australia Housing, Mission Australia Housing (Victoria), Mission Australia Housing Tasmania and Mission Australia Housing Northern Territory (collectively the Mission Australia Group) are committed to proper and effective corporate governance. We constantly seek to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations, while continuing to place our clients at the centre of everything we do.

Each Mission Australia Group company, as a registered charity regulated by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), applies the ACNC Governance Standards.

The Mission Australia Board has overall responsibility for the financial performance of the Mission Australia Group and the achievement of its founding purpose. The Mission Australia Board recognises its role in overseeing the determination and implementation of policies and processes that reflect good corporate governance aligned with the ACNC Governance Standards, our contractual commitments and stakeholder expectations that together with our Values inform and guide the organisation.

In applying the ACNC Governance Standards, we are guided by where practicable and relevant to do so the Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations established by the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Corporate Governance Council

Mission Australia Board

The Mission Australia Board provides strategic guidance for Mission Australia and its controlled entities and effective oversight of management. As set out in the Board Charter, the Board is the guardian of the Founding Purpose for which Mission Australia was established and is accountable to members for pursuit of that purpose and the performance of the Mission Australia Group. All Board Members, including the Chair, are Independent Non-Executive Directors and serve on a pro-bono basis.

The Corporate Governance Statement outlines how Mission Australia implements its governance framework in accordance with the ACNC Governance Standards. The Corporate Governance Statement is incorporated by reference in the Annual Report.

Read about our Board

Corporate Governance

Mission Australia was established in 1859 for the public charitable purpose of providing direct relief of poverty, sickness, suffering, distress, misfortune, disability or helplessness of people in Australia. Throughout our history our founding purpose as set out in our Constitution has remained central:

Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God without reference to denomination or any other distinction.

We seek out others that share our vision, working alongside them to create a better future. We stand together with Australians in need, until they can stand for themselves.

For each Mission Australia Group company registered with ACNC, documents such as constitution, annual report and financial statement can be found here.

The Board has delegated some of its functions to Board Committees:

  • Board Audit and Risk Committee
  • People, Culture and Remuneration Committee
  • Service Impact Committee
  • Clinical, Quality and Safety Committee

The Board delegates its responsibility for Mission Australia day to day operations and administrations to the CEO and Executive Management.

Mission Australia is the sole member of Mission Australia Housing, Mission Australia Housing (Victoria), Mission Australia Housing Tasmania and Mission Australia Housing Northern Territory, each of which has access to and benefits from shared governance and management resources of Mission Australia and Mission Australia Board Committees. Within the Mission Australia corporate governance framework, Mission Australia Housing, Mission Australia Housing (Victoria), Mission Australia Housing Tasmania and Mission Australia Housing Northern Territory as part of their commitment to good standards of corporate governance also seek to meet or exceed the National Community Housing Standards and comply with the National Performance Standards. See further information on Housing governance.

As part of Mission Australia's corporate governance, the Enterprise Risk and Assurance framework is designed to assist Mission Australia to meet its strategic objectives. It is designed to strengthen sustainability and maximise opportunity by upholding our Values and organisational identity.

Risk is an integral part of any business. Potential events, decisions and opportunities that create risks are identified, analysed, defined and addressed. Importantly, the framework recognises that in order for Mission Australia to stand up for vulnerable Australian's, it must continue to thrive as a well-respected, sustainable, client centred organisation. Effective risk management has the benefit of increasing the likelihood of achieving objectives, improving stakeholder confidence and trust and improving operational effectiveness and efficiency.


The Board strives to lead by example when it comes to acting ethically and responsibly and specifically charges management with the responsibility for creating a culture which promotes ethical and responsible behaviour. The Mission Australia Code of Conduct and our Values apply to the Boards, management and staff of Mission Australia Group. It specifies behavioural standards necessary to maintain confidence in Mission Australia's integrity.

The Values & Behaviours statement that includes descriptions of the behaviours that underpin each value align with our strategic directions and Code of Conduct and have been developed to ensure an organisation-wide understanding of how we put each value into practice – with each other as Mission Australia colleagues, and with our clients, supporters, partners, governments and other organisations. In short, they say: "This is how we do things at Mission Australia."

The Mission Australia Group has adopted the Mission Australia Ethics Policies suite including a Whistle-blower Policy, Conflict of Interests Policy, Gifts and Benefits Policy a Fraud Control and Corruption Prevention Policy and Ethical Decision-Making Framework. Through these policies we seek to uphold our good reputation and aim to safeguard our staff and our clients, many of whom are vulnerable. They are designed to reinforce a culture in which honesty, integrity and business ethics are a part of everyday behaviour.

The Statement of Enterprise Ethics sets out ethical expectations for people who work for Mission Australia as well as the ethical expectations for those working with us.


Mission Australia takes its privacy obligations very seriously and wishes to ensure that an individual's personal information is dealt with in accordance with all relevant privacy laws and the Enterprise Privacy Policy.

Modern Slavery

In line with the Modern Slavery Act 2018, Mission Australia is committed to proactively identifying and addressing modern slavery risks in our operations and supply chain.

Our expectation is that contractors, subcontractors and entities who provide goods and services to us, carry out their business dealings in an honest and legal manner. We require practice standards of professional and personal conduct that are consistent with Mission Australia’s values and uphold our public reputation.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the required practices of suppliers engaged with Mission Australia in the areas of; Labour and Human Rights; Health and Safety; Integrity, Ethics and Conduct; and Corporate and Supply Chain Governance.

Suppliers to Mission Australia must ensure that relevant areas of their business and supply chain meet Mission Australia’s requirements as covered in our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Mission Australia’s Modern Slavery Statement FY23 outlines the actions we have taken to identify and mitigate modern slavery risks occurring in our business operations and supply chain.

Mission Australia values its supplier relationships and is committed to working with our suppliers to foster a supply chain that is responsible, fair and free from modern slavery. Our Modern Slavery Supplier Guide is a resource aimed at our small and medium sized suppliers, providing an overview of modern slavery and the actions that can be taken to address it.

Integrity Hotline

Speak up! This is a hotline to report serious and unethical wrongdoing (corruption, fraud...etc.).

Call 1800 021 673 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'