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Our tailored employment services

As a not-for-profit, Mission Australia takes a people-first approach to your job search. If you have an injury, illness or disability, we can help secure a role you can thrive in. Our dedicated teams work closely with businesses, Government and training organisations to help job seekers match their skills and abilities with employers who need them.

So if you’re a job seeker looking for your next role, or an employer ready to welcome a new team member, register now.

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Looking for work?

If you are a job seeker with a disability, injury or health condition, Mission Australia can provide you with tailored services to help you find and keep a job.

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Mission Australia provides Disability Employment Services (DES) across NSW, NT, Qld, Vic and Tas. We treat all our job seekers fairly and with respect, in line with the Disability Services Standards.

Our specialised DES staff will provide a safe and supportive environment as we work together to achieve your employment goals. We’ll help you overcome career obstacles by considering your professional history, skills and any relevant education.

We’ll also ensure you receive the right training, work experience and additional services that you need along the way to find and keep the job you want.

We will also assist you receive training, work experience or other services that will help you find and keep that job. This includes assistance with your resume, localised advice on how to look for work, access to our facilities and partnering with our specialised team who work directly with Mission Australia’s large network of employers to get you the job opportunity you are looking for.

Depending on your personal circumstances, we can help you access a range of other support services to support your employment journey.

Once you find a job, you can choose to discuss the suitability of the workplace with us in regard to your condition and/or injury to determine if changes are required.

If you wish, we can also work directly with your employer and/or co-workers to ensure you have everything you need to successfully do your job, this may include providing access to Workplace Modifications, equipment to get you started or the purchase of adaptive technology.

Our support doesn’t stop there. Mission Australia will be by your side for the first 12 months of your employment, no matter what your facing, we are only a phone call away and can even visit you on site at your place of employment.

Looking for work? Register your details here:

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Looking for staff?

Australian and international research has consistently found that people with disability often make better employees because of higher attendance rates, lower turnover and good performance and safety records.

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Research indicates there is very little difference in productivity between people with disability and those without. The benefits of employing job seekers with disabilities include:

  • Higher retention rates, so less to spend on training and recruitment
  • Fewer accidents at work, meaning lower workers compensation costs
  • Increased awareness of workplace practices and conditions
  • It shows your business is socially responsible
  • Potential growth of customer and staff loyalty.

Hiring people with disabilities can also help employers to increase their talent pool, promote a diverse workforce and may reduce skills shortages.

Mission Australia runs a free service to help businesses hire people with disabilities. We offer ongoing assistance and training to help employees settle into their roles.

Mission Australia can also provide employers with access to information such as available subsidies, government incentives and additional financial assistance to cover costs, such as modifying the workplace or paying for assistive technologies or interpreting services.

Our support doesn’t stop there. Mission Australia will work with employers for at least twelve (12) months and, if needed, provide flexible support for longer periods to help candidates transition into the workplace.

Looking for staff? Register your job details here:

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Need employment, skills or training support?

Independence is something we all strive for, but life rarely turns out as planned. Don't be afraid to reach out for help.

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For specific employment information, follow the below links:

Contact National Disability Management Services

Contact our National Disability Management Services assistance line on 1300 883 067, or find a service close to you on our service directory.

Search for a local disability employment service

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