Find work that works for you

We help you find meaningful work that matches your skills and needs. With our DES team, you’ll get:

  • Personalised employment support
  • Equipment and resources to start in the workplace
  • Connections to our network of employers and organisations.
  • Help with your resume
  • Interview preparation, on-the-job training and work experience
  • A dedicated consultant to provide ongoing support
  • Access to additional support services depending on your personal circumstances
  • Help with workplace modifications, equipment or the purchase of adaptive technology

Get in touch

Putting you first

From finding your dream job to managing your return to the workplace, we’re here to help at every step. Our support doesn’t stop when you secure work. Our staff will be by your side for the first 12 months of your employment, no matter what you’re facing. We are only a phone call or message away and can even visit you on site at your place of employment.

Meet our staff

Our DES teams treat every person with respect, care and compassion. Through one-on-one support, our consultants are available to provide you with unique and tailored career support.

“I would not have this opportunity without your efforts.” - Tevin.

At 22, Tevin was excited to start working. But living with hemiplegia, a condition which affects his right hand and speech, Tevin faced many challenges. But he knew he would be a great employee if given a chance. When Tevin connected with our DES team in Tasmania, he secured an internship in an IT department. Tevin was thrilled and went on to receive a full-time contract.

Read more

Our tailored employment services

As a not-for-profit, Mission Australia takes a people-first approach to your job search. If you have an injury, illness or disability, we can help secure a role you can thrive in. Our dedicated teams work closely with businesses, Government and training organisations to help job seekers match their skills and abilities with employers who need them.

So if you’re a job seeker looking for your next role, register now.

I'm looking for work

Start your employment journey today

Complete this form to start your journey back to work with the right support.

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Learn more about Mission Australia’s DES program and how we can help by visiting our website or calling 1300 883 067.

Need employment, skills or training support?

Independence is something we all strive for, but life rarely turns out as planned. Don't be afraid to reach out for help.

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Our founding purpose - 'Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia exists to meet human need and to spread the knowledge of the love of God'